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Dont Miss out on WEB3
Web3 Token Offer (With Indemnity)
Token of TDC who operate Trade Gateways and TLDs
Over $1 billion Assets Valuation
Providing Trade Digitization Infrastructure at scale
And Memorable Wallet Addresses That Simplify Payments
White Paper
WEB3 Token Phase 1 Offer WHITE PAPER
Token Asset Backing
Quotes From Partners
Benefits of TradeDigitization.com
Replacing Paper Based Trade
Prime Domains Used
Value Of Prime Domains
Warehousing And Logistics Services
Strategic Alliances
Support And Team Details
Promotional Arrangements
AI Pairing
Growth Potential
About The Tokens
The Trade Gateways
Providing Liquidity
Marketplaces.Trade is operated by TradeDigitization.com, as a co-operation with TradeKey.
TradeDigitization.com is an IBM Partner Programme, and comprises of TRADE GATEWAYS and .EDEBIT.
TRADE GATEWAYS is a network of many thousands of Web-3 Trade Gateways across the Globe that users can use to source and sell products across the globe.
Web-3 Trade Gateways are operated from Prime Domains for the places they cover.
.EDEBIT is a platform used to provide Web 3 Domains which provide simplified web addresses and simplify Web 3 Payments through major providers. TDC operates the EDEBIT Top Level Domain (TLD).
The GTIN Token Programme has been created by TradeDigitization.com to facilitate the use of Global Unique Identifiers in a Trade Digitization Programme.
TradeKey is the worlds largest B2B Marketplace.
The WEB3 Token is the native token of the Programme. To address the need for ongoing ecosystem support, the WEB3 Community Treasury, is acting as an ecosystem fund. It will provide ongoing, self-sustainable economic support for as long as required.
The Community Treasury will be funded by predetermined sales of WEB3 Tokens, which are expected to rise exponentially in value as they are a native token of the TradeDigitization.com programme.
25% of WEB3 Tokens are dedicated to this purpose. This guarantees strong ecosystem support.
Projects in the ecosystem are scheduled for funding from the sales of WEB3 Tokens.
Projects are Regional and Vertical, meaning that investors can purchase tokens in phases that support the Geographic Location of places they are interested in, or industries they are interested in.
Asset Backing for the Token
There are wholly owned assets of over $1 billion. There is a nominated Asset Custodian. The Asset Register can be inspected on request.
Team Details, Support and Administration
There is a strong management and technical team in place. However, Support and Administration of the Programme is being outsourced to Flatworld Solutions (FWS).
They have an excellent reputation, and started Global Operations in 2004. FWS currently have over 18,000+ clients across the globe and a staff of over 5,000.
Arrangements have been made with the British Chambers of Commerce for Individual Chambers of Commerce to be able to invite their members to the programme.
Members of the regional Chambers of Commerce to whom the Programme was relevant, will be invited by their Chamber of Commerce to learn about the programme and how it would benefit them.
AI Pairing For the Programme
IBM is a leading global provider of AI services in more than 175 countries. TRADEGATEWAYS is an IBM Partner Programme.
AI provided by IBM is being integrated into the TRADE GATEWAYS Programme, both via a dedicated Buyers AI Platform, and a dedicated Exporting AI Platform. AI has the potential to play a crucial role in enhancing international trade.
Token Growth Potential
The WEB3 Token presents an excellent opportunity for investors.
It represents an excellent Pre-Sale opportunity. Investors will be able to use Paypal to make purchases in the Pre-Sale Programme and benefit from the Buyer Protection Paypal provides if they so wish.
The WEB3 Token is listed at Dex-Trade, a major centralized exchange. The listing at Dex-Trade originally took place in April 2023, when it was listed as the TRADEGATEWAYS Token.
The TRADEGATEWAYS Token was rebranded as the WEB3 Token, to reflect TDC activities in January 2025. Upon being rebranded at the Exchange, the token price rose by a staggering 789.5% to make it the Biggest gainer, at the Dex-Trade Exchange that day. Please see the link to this HERE.
The WEB3 token has just begun its journey. There is much growth to come. There is much Capital Appreciation to come. The launch of the WEB3 token is being marked by the special offer on this page.
This offer is to fund the first phase, which is mostly UK based. Subsequent phases include the EU and Australia and there is a Trade Gateway from each of them also included in the first phase.
The Featured Web-3 Trade Gateway from the EU is Milan.Trade
The Winter Olympic Games are being held in Milan in 2026.
The Featured Web-3 Trade Gateway from the US is Los-Angeles.Trade
The Summer Olympic Games are being held in Los-Angeles in 2028
The Featured Web-3 Trade Gateway from Australia is Brisbane.Trade
The Summer Olympic Games are being held in Brisbane in 2032.
The successful execution of the Olympics relies on an intricate web of supply chains. As Milan gears up for 2026, as Los-Angeles gears up for 2028,and as Brisbane gears up for 2032, anything that helps to facilitate these supply chains should be welcomed.
Potential suppliers—including very small, small and medium-sized SMEs, and social enterprises could benefit from featuring their products and services at Milan.Trade, Los-Angeles.Trade, and at Brisbane.Trade, and enjoying the benefits they can provide as WEB 3 Trade Gateways.
About The WEB3 Tokens
WEB3 Tokens are the native tokens There are 100 billion WEB3 Tokens tokens in existence.
The TRADE GATEWAYS Programme owns some of the best Prime Trade Domains on the Web, from which Trade Gateways and Ancillary Services are operated.
Each WEB3 Token represents a unit of ownership in the Domains used for the Programme. A list of these domains is available on request.
Features of Web-3 Trade Gateways in the Network
In association with major partners, TradeDigitization.com operates thousands of Web-3 Trade Gateways across the globe. Web 3 has great potential for Trade.
The parties utilizing TRADE GATEWAYS for a transaction, agree an equivalence between control of an electronic transferable record and possession of a transferable paper document.
The reaching of such an agreement within a closed Trading Group, validates the use of an electronic transferable record, thereby helping the transition to Web 3, and paving the way for MLETR, which is an incoming legal framework for Web 3 that has been adopted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
Warehouse Receipts and other relevant trade documentation that accrued from services provided by the Logistics Operator, are digitally signed from the branded and universally verifiable authenticated IP addresses of the Regional Trade Gateway Hubs. This is is something that will prove very useful.
Notable Quotes From Partners in the Parent TradeDigitization.com Programme
Trade Gateways in Phase 1 of the Trade Digitization Infrastructure
As stated, this offer covers the first phase of the provision of the requisite Trade Gateways. The Trade Gateways Programme will provide the Trade Digitization Infrastructure for Warehouses in the related TRADE GATEWAYS for the places detailed below which are featured in the first phase.
Northern Ireland
Binance Smart Chain
Token Type:
BEP 20
Total Supply:
100,000,000,000 tokens
Soft Market Cap:
1,000,000,000 tokens
Vesting Overview
- 20%
- No Vesting Period
- 20%
- No Vesting Period
- 15%
- 12 Month Cliff
- 24 Month Vesting Period
- Quarterly Vesting Releases
- 10%
- 12 month Cliff
- 10%
- 12 month Cliff
Treasury and Ecosystem
- 25 %
- 12 month Cliff
- Monthly Vesting Releases
The tokenomics structure is designed to ensure a fair and balanced distribution of tokens, aligning the interests of all stakeholders and supporting long-term growth and sustainability.
Why Buy the WEB3 Token?
The WEB3 Token is the native token of the TradeDigitization.com (TDC) Programme. Trade Digitization and Blockchain are cornerstones of WEB 3.
We will use the funding from the Phase 1 offer to provide Liquidity for the WEB3 Token, fuel product innovation, and grow our partnerships in the WEB3 space as we continue to build significant WEB 3 platforms that add value for our Token Holders.
The TDC Programme is a very fast growing Programme in the WEB 3 space, and is making the WEB3 Token a very significant WEB 3 Token indeed. Features of the TDC Programme include:
TDC operates thousands of Web 3 Trade Gateways across the Globe. TDC are leaders in this space.
GTIN is the number that can be seen on the familiar barcode. It is the acronym for “Global Trade Item Number”.
The Trade Gateways are facilitated by the GTIN Token Platform operated by TDC. This is the world's first-ever implementation of GTIN semantics in a Trade Digitization framework.
This development enables all brands already working with GTIN identifiers to seamlessly and rapidly apply a Trade Digitization Programme.
The GTIN can be used to identify types of products at any packaging level (e.g., consumer unit, inner pack, case, pallet). Groups of trade items with similar production and usage characteristics such as production batches can be further identified with the help of the batch / lot number, expiry date, and similar data elements. Individual trade items can be uniquely identified.
The bar code is ubiquitous. Ownership of GTINs is global. Owning the GTIN Token for individual GTINs will be very useful for every owner of a GTIN. GTIN Tokens are NFTs that they can keep in their wallet. Sub GTN Tokens can be used to facilitate the trading and tracking of individual batch sales as above. However, GTIN owners will also need to own the related GTIN Token to do this.
The GTIN Token Trademark is owned by TDC.
People are waking up to the power of NFTs. The GTIN Token Programme is using NFTs to help make trade faster, easier, and more secure.
TDC also operates WEB 3 Gateways which provide resources for WEB 3.
TDC Web 3 Gateways provide Gateways to Web 3 from a familiar Web 2 Setting. This is done by utilization of the Web-3 Initiative which is a TradeDigitization.com initiative.
TDC also operates WEB3 Top Level Domains (TLDs) for a number of major countries.
Web 3 Domains are blockchain based domains, and are an evolution of the traditional Domain name. They can be used as wallets that replace long hexadecimal addresses with human-readable domain names, making them more memorable and reducing errors.
This means that individuals and organizations that own these domains can have localized domains that reflect their identity, as memorable wallet addresses for them.
Individuals and Organizations can use their WEB 3 Domains to send and receive 150 cryptocurrencies, replace lengthy crypto wallet addresses, create decentralized websites, and build their Web 3 identity.
The TDC Network of sites have over 3 million subscribers who will be able to benefit from Web 3 through the TDC Programme.
Escrow.com is the largest Internet Escrow company in the world, and is a strategic partner of the United States Government Department Of Commerce.
Arrangements can be made for provision of an indemnity for purchasers of WEB3 Pre-Sale Tokens, by Escrow.com, of 80% on Purchases of WEB3 Pre-Sale Tokens. Additional Indemnity is provided, so purchasers don't lose out, whatever happens.
E: contact@tradedigitization.com